Friday, December 10, 2004

all you need is love

“The best thing we can do at Christmas is to show love."

Federal treasurer Peter Costello has already advised us to shower each other with love rather than spending up at Christmas.

Sometimes even Treasurers have something to teach us. I have taken his advice to heart and knocked up a series of handmade cards to send out to a few people.

To: Australian Tax Office

Dear Sir / Madam
You will no doubt notice that I have not as yet filed my tax return for 2003 /2004. From memory I owe around $20,000 GST payments and possibly a few K’s on personal tax, as well as super and employee payments.

I have prayed hard and have now formed a personal relationship with my maker. Following Peter Costello’s advice I wish to notify you that instead of the usual unthinking crass materialistic enclosure of money, I now send you, and all your staff, a love supreme.

Best wishes and good luck for next year.

With Love

Note to self:
re-jig letter for VISA and overdraft.
Think before sending one to Angelo the Bookie.
Ring Angelo’s “driver” re him visiting John Elliott to collect.