Saturday, January 22, 2005

rudd rocks with khe fuckin sanh

Our own Papa Legba guarding the crossroads at Backpages is called forth from the nether world to comment on the unreleased but widely circulating, ALP Lost Basement Tapes. CS finds Rudd is the star on the important tracks. Sheil has personal access to the early Rudd tunes and demos. He has loaded these onto his old SuperScope machine and fiddled around with the speeds, with the advantage of inside knowledge from previous producers and mixers such as Peter "Simply Red "Beattie.

CS can reveal "he talks in three different local dialects - the dialects of the media, the professional and the so-called punter."

Holy shit. Rudd is not only Bob Dylan, he's Elvis Costello and Tom Waits jivin' in Mandarin with a good dose of Van the Man and Vegas Presley and to top it off he's fuckin' Barnsey singing "Khe Sanh" and "Star Hotel" at Chisel's peak.

I'm madly dragging out all my old ALP bootlegs. I'm speeding them up. I'm slowing them down. I've tried it through headphones with a huge spliff. Shit I even listened to them through a 5.1 HomeTheatre set up. I think I can hear it. I think it's the real thing. Perhaps a duet with "Aretha" Gillard will do it.

I'm waiting for
irant to tell me the tunings and capo will work out. I'm emailing James Russell to see what old Rudd as a goth/punk film reels he has under the couch. I'm sure Flop Eared Amanda will tell me Ruddy nearly won a Golden Guitar at Tamworth a few years back. I can't wait until next Wednesday morning at 6 am when Macca will have Ruddy on Australia All bloody Over singing a Slim Dusty song or better still Chad Morgan's Threshing Machine

Me, as Nabakov will attest, I'm
Baron Samedi the roadie, to CS's Papa Legba, waiting for the call up and the kick arse tour to launch the new album.