Sunday, July 18, 2004

things i learnt this week without trying

Pablo Neruda was originally called Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. This will be useful in a trivia competition at my local pub. That is if I had a local pub and if I went to trivia competitions. I'll be ready if it comes up on Tony Delroy's radio quiz. That is if I can ever get through on the phone. I know many Australians who wonder how the same lot of nerds always get through when others have tried for 2 years without ever getting on. This is the real issue that Flint should have been investigating. You can complain to the ABA here.
Series of dotty  quotes from Flint on the Republic issue. "Professor Flint reminded the Australian tourists and enlightened bemused British supporters of how Australia came very close to becoming a 'Cane Toad Republic' and why it was important for ACM to continue its role as an educator and political lobby group to protect our world renown constitutional monarchy" 
Keith Richards marked his 40th birthday in  December  or  October 1983 by marrying model Patti Hansen and spent his honeymoon at Cabo San Lucas Mexico. I have no idea how many honeymoons Keith has had.  At the Finisterra Hotel in his (their?) room he recorded a bunch of Buddy Holly songs.
Tony Abbott is multi talented.  In addition to exiting the seminary early, and being a deadbeat father who impregnated a woman then left her to fend for herself and kid, he is now revealed to be sleazebag arse grabber of females. He doesn't know his ABC.

ABC stands for  "abstinence, be faithful, and use condoms."  ABC is the Ugandan AIDS policy now adopted by the United States and promoted through its foreign aid program, USAID.   It seems Conservative groups such as Focus on the Family have used the case study of Uganda to advocate their single-focused ideology, claiming that it was an increase in abstinence until marriage that accounted for the turnaround in HIV rates.    
Janet Fleischman writes: In the worst-affected regions of sub-Saharan Africa, women and girls account for 58 percent of those living with HIV/AIDS, and girls age 15-19 are infected at rates four to seven times higher than boys, a disparity linked to sexual abuse, coercion, discrimination, and impoverishment.